Pok Wikia

<hero description="Pok Pok Chicken Chicken Pok Pok Chicken Chicken Pok Pok Chicken Chicken MEJ MEJ MEJ" imagename="" cropposition="" />

Welcome to the Pokkopedia!

Mej mej
Pok Pok Chicken Chicken Pok Pok Chicken Chicken Pok Pok Chicken Chicken


The Weekly Mej

 A New Issue gets released every Monday!

Here are some Quizzes. Go on, click on it.

Featured pages of the week:

Editor's Pick

- Maj

- Food of Meej

- Timeline

Places on Meej

Here are some pages to get you started:

Confused? Use this to get you started  

- Rankings


- The Ovelords

'Search for http:// '#pokpokproductionshttps://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/pokpokproductions/ #pokpokproductions to find out latest work on instagram!

Our official hashtags, please support us!:

  1. '#pokpokproductions
  2. '#mejmej
  3. '#mejmejpok
  4. '#pokpokchicken

The hashtags for haters, yes I know, we didn't leave you out ;)

  1. '#mekmek
  2. '#stopmejin
  3. '#jemjem

Find us on Social Media:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook - Coming Soon
  • DeviantArt
  • Twitter - Coming Soon
  • Tumblr - Coming Soon
  • Pintrest - Coming Soon
  • Steam - Coming Soon
  • Snapchat - Coming Soon
  • Youtube - Coming Soon
  • Google Plus - Coming Soon

Want to see what the creators are doing, really, really bad? Go ahead and send us an email at pokpokproduction@gmail.com!


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